3) The research that helped me perform this way with the first graders was the article: "TEACHERS' LEISURE READING HABITS AND KNOWLEDGE OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS: DO THEY RELATE TO THE TEACHING PRACTICES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS?." BURGESS, STEPHEN R., STEPHAN SARGENT, and MELINDA SMITH. Reading Improvement 48.2 (2011): 88-102. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 9 Sept. 2011.
The way it helped me was in how it made me realize an important element on encouragement, which was the motivation and love behind the encouragement. In the articl, it said "It seems reasonable to hypothesize that teachers who possess more favorable literacy altitudes and behaviors will be more effective in encouraging studetns to read and in teaching them to read." It may have been for reading, but I believe it qualifies for everything one teaches.